Monday, February 9, 2009

Rain, Rain

I won't actually wish it away, but the odd February rain we're getting right now is going to complicate our lives come morning, when it turns into a sheet of ice covering everything, especially since I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. The mess will be even worse because the ground is still frozen solid, which means there's no place for all that water to go- it can't absorb, it's not warm enough to evaporate, and we're too flat for it to run off. Come tomorrow, it's going to be pretty darn slippery in these here parts.

So, as much as possible, I am going to hunker down and listen to that unusual pitter patter sound on the roof. I put off a grocery run today, and do not intend to go anywhere but downstairs to my knitting chair (of course I have a knitting chair. Doesn't everyone?).

Last night I finished the back of the little cabled doll sweater (free pattern from Berroco), and am working on the fronts. Once I got the cable patterning down, things moved along quickly.

But I still could not concentrate on right and left twists and watch another 3 episodes of Season 4 Lost at the same time (that Ben Linus is one scary dude). So I sat at the wheel instead, and finished a 2-ply skein of Twisted Fiber Arts BFL, Braider colorway. BFL is wonderful wool for socks- sturdy and bouncy. However, it's pretty *sticky* and does not draft as easily as Merino, or some of the long wools. It's not my favorite fiber for spinning, but as always with Twisted products, this is superior stuff: soft and beautiful, and fairly easy to draft. I love how this yarn came out- 1.9 ozs, 151 yds. I have another 2 ozs to spin, which will give me plenty for socks. I decided just to spin this stuff, and let the colors come out as they may, and I am delighted with the blending, with the muted browns with hints of blue, green, rust and gold.

Tonight, more Chuck (no headache inducing 3-D I hope) and more Heroes. I am really sorry that My Own Worst Enemy was canceled- I enjoyed watching Christian Slater playing 2 characters in the same body, and want to know how the story comes out.
Oh- thanks for the tips on doll-size notions and accessories. Cathy-Cate, the idea of using jewelry findings as sweater clasps is a good one. I found a few that might work very well, though I am reluctant to use sterling silver on a doll sweater that is actually going to be played with (as opposed to just being displayed). But I am sure I can find something in the jewelry line that will work, that is not also precious metal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking the same thing about the rain as I came home from work and tried not to slip on the rain over the packed icy snow that it hadn't melted yet.

Totally agree with you about putting SS on doll clothes (seems like it could be soft, anyway): here's one site that had a couple options if the size is appropriate, hard for me to tell without an 18" doll in front of me (it's silver colored but pewter really)

I tried Googling pewter hooks and eyes and got some more specific non-silver results.