Friday, May 7, 2010

Drum roll please, and Susie's socks

Guess what? The last of the book projects went off to my editor today. I have 2-3 days of writing left (glossary, sources, patterns revised to incorporate test knitter comments and suggestions, etc), but that can wait until next week. Despite 7 months of anxiety, I met my deadline, and got everything done with most of my sanity intact (yeah, I know I am tempting fate by saying that now, but I have to believe that FedEx won't lose the box, and that a meteor won't hit my house before the end of next week)(ducking). Of course, there is still much to do (copy editing, etc) but that won't start for a month or so.

Therefore, I am taking the weekend off. Here at home- not in the air, not in a different state, but right here in my own house. I'm going to laze and play and sew and read and vegitate for two full days. That hasn't happened since October. You damn betcha I'm ready for it.

I took a small road trip today, during which I finished the socks for my friend Susie. She has waited many months patiently because I could only work on them in dribs and drabs. But they're done now.

The yarn is Kertzer On Your Toes with Aloe Vera. It's not a soft yarn, but it feels sturdy, and I love the colors.

And what's next on the needles, you ask? What am I going to knit now that I don't HAVE to knit anything? So glad you asked. I'm going to start a worsted-weight pullover Fair Isle sweater for myself, using leftover yarns and a bird motif adapted from an old Dover Cross Stitch Book (one of the copyright free design books). No deadline, no rush, no worries about discontinued yarns or colors that won't photograph well. I'm going to use whatever yarns I pull from the leftover box that appeal to me, and it's going to be just for fun. I can't wait!


Mary Keenan said...

I can't believe that after all that - you're knitting Fair Isle!! but it is fun, and it's for you to keep, and my goodness you have to be pretty speedy with the colour changes now, so I guess I get it ;^) And yay re. getting those last projects done and on the road!

Chery said...

Have a nice weekend! Seems like you have it all planned out.

Happy Mother's Day!

joannamauselina said...

Congrats on sending off the package. The socks are lovely, and you are right -- the color is great.