Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Field Report, Orion's Sock, The Absence of Bugs, and Waves

Soybeans love heat and humidity, and the occasional downpour. The soybeans have been very happy this week.

I finished the first Orion's Sock, the official Sock Summit Sock Pattern. I wound 2 skeins of each color (Koigu, KPPM and KPM) but I might actually be able to squeeze a pair from 1 apiece. We'll see.

The cicadas are emerging. I don't know if we have every-year cicadas, or if the multi-year ones are staggered, but we hear them every summer. However, I had never seen one until this morning, when my husband brought one over to the pool as I was swimming laps. It's a very cool looking bug, and would have made a nice picture for the blog. Unfortunately, by the time I got out of the pool, showered and dressed, it was gone. But this tree trunk is where it would have been, if it was still there.

And it's not amber, and it's not grain, but the hay waves beautifully. It'll be ready to cut soon.


Gayle said...

I love the soybean pix and the view around your property. I grew up in the country and I notice that my sister, brother and I all have the botany gene. Our dad was the orange rancher. My brother went on to become a commish of ag. in CA. I am a knitter and love all your photos, etc. This will be my Kathleen Taylor summer, readingwise! I will read them all. I have just finished the latest M. Connelly, Deaver and of course, the Evanovich "pure summer fluff". I am ready for a new series. Is yours a series?
San Diego

vanessa said...

your photos scream summer!

Di said...

We've not heard any cicadas yet here in Indiana. Our soybeans would like some more rain and the corn sure seems short this year. I love the Orion socks! Got to make them for my daughter who named her son Lucas Orion! Is the pattern going to be in your book?

Di said...

Your soybeans look happier than ours here in Northern IN. We've not heard any cicadas yet either. I love the Orion socks! I've got to make them for my daughter who named her oldest son Lucas Orion! Is the pattern from your upcoming book?

kaykatrn said...

I love your pictures of the farm. I still live where I grew up among the farms, but now many of them are covered with houses and shopping malls. Breaks my heart. I usually take routes around the area that go through the growing stuff, makes me feel more energetic! Those socks are cool! I never thought about it, but the sounds of the cicadas mean summer, don't they?