Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Drum Roll Please

Some of you may have noticed that I spent almost a week in North Carolina attending a  festival with over 100 amazing vendors, surrounded every day by intoxicating wool fumes, and yet did not bring home any yarn/fiber purchases (unlike the Sock Summit, where I spent a fortune). In fact, the only thing I purchased at SAFF was Goat Milk Fudge. Yummy though it was, I couldn't exactly knit with it.

There was a reason for the lack of buying, which I can finally announce. I did not buy yarn because I will not be doing much recreational knitting in the next six months... because...

I am writing another book!


Working title (which may, and probably will, change): Fearless Fair Isle

Subject: if it wasn't obvious, Fair Isle and Stranded Projects

Projected Publication Date: Spring 2011

Publisher: Taunton, who did such an amazing job on both I Heart Felt and The Big Book of Socks

My deadline: nightmare inducing

So, I'll be talking about writing and designing, and everything else in my life on the blog, and here and there showing what little *just for fun* knitting I can squeeze in, but for the most part, I'll be working.

This is book 11 (my 5th knitting book), and I'm climbing back on the roller coaster. It's good to be once again gainfully employed. Woohoo!!!


Anonymous said...

I don't understand how you do it! You get more knitting done in six months than I have done in my lifetime! Way to go! I am looking forward to your new book.


Mary Keenan said...

Hurray!!! I'm so excited to hear this and can't wait to read all about the adventure (to say nothing of seeing the end result)!

Ruth said...

Congratulation! That should keep you out of trouble for a while.

Karen said...

This is such fantastic news, Kathi -- I'd be jealous, if I didn't know how insanely hard you'll be working in the next several months! I can't wait for the new book.
p.s. the word verification this time is "manivate," which sounds like something you'd do at the end of a relationship, don't you think? As in, "We weren't getting along, so I decided to manivate him."

Elizabeth D said...

Can't wait! You sure do make me feel like an underachiever!

--Elizabeth D

Fríða said...

wow! how exciting, I look forward to following your progress.
best wishes from Iceland

Knit -University said...

I love love love Fair Isle knitting! Can't wait for your BOOK!

mrae said...

I am soooo Looking forward to your new book. I am so very excited for you!!!

Kate/Massachusetts said...

You are a force of nature! How do you do it? Congratulations on your book deal...I can't wait to buy the book!!

J said...

Yay!!! After seeing your colorwork in the Big Book of Socks, I can't wait to see what your Fair Isle book holds.

I'm with everyone else though. How do you do it?? I need to pay closer attention next time I see you knitting. Your needles must spark as they fly.

Maureen said...


Northmoon said...

Congradulations!! Your workshops look so intersting but they always seem to be on the other side of the continent from me. I'm looking forward to the publication date so I can join in.

Kathleen Taylor said...

Thank you thank you, Everyone.

And FE(veryone's)I: I will have help knitting the projects for this book. The deadline is too tight for me to do all of the knitting on my own.

fibergal said...

Congrats! I should just preorder now because I know I really want this one. Say, when are you getting back to the mysteries? I loved them but there weren't enough of them. Can't you cut sleep down to 2 hrs a night????

Seriously, your new book is great news. I can't wait.