Saturday, February 9, 2008

I Heart Felt Publicity

Patty and Melissa at Taunton are doing an amazing job of drumming up publicity for I Heart Felt- they're contacting media outlets, arranging for appearances, and working overtime to make sure word gets out about the book. They put together a snazzy little postcard-size flyer for the book, and sent me a stack as well. Here is the front and back. If you have a yarn store (or general book store), or if you know of one that might be interested in getting one (or a few) of the handouts, e-mail me with the name of the shop, the address, and the contact person (a phone number is nice but not absolutely necessary) and I'll send some along. Also guilds, libraries, groups, etc.
my e-mail: kathleentaylor1952atgmaildotcom


Debra said...

Got my preview copy last night.. and I LOVE THIS BOOK! The color, the projects, the lay out. It is wonderful!!

After a more thorough read, I will happily be sharing this book with world (both on my personal blog and at blogher.

Kathleen Taylor said...

Cool! I love the book too- and am looking forward to your review!