Post your name (with or without a comment, but definitely without your address) in the comment space for this post before Midnight tonight, December 22. I'll draw one name from the entries and the winner of a copy of 101 Designer One Skein Wonders will be announced on Sunday. I'll mail the book next week, signed if the winner likes.
Sunday's contest will probably not be listed until early morning on Sunday- I don't think I can stay up until Midnight two nights in a row...
I'm glad I got in on this one...I would love to win this one. Thanks for the contest...Melanie Thompson
aka lilknitter (Ravelry)
Please enter me in the draw Kathleen (if you don't mind shipping internationally, that is).
Can't wait to see your pattern. Congrats!
I almost bought this book a few days ago, and then reminded myself that I am not to buy anything for myself until after January 1. :) I'd love to win a copy instead.
Tanya Hulsey
aka BunnyQueen
I would love to win this... I'm a new knitter and this would be perfect!
Katie Kirtland
I am a Norwegian woman, and a big fan of your blog. I would love it if you enter me in the draw.
Tone aka Hobbygåsa(Hobbygaasa in Ravelry)
Thanks for the lovely contest. Your work is always so interesting.
how exciting!
best wishes from Iceland
Oooooh I just discovered your blog in the last few weeks and am loving it - especially freebie fridays and paper doll clothes....and now this comp is too much of a good thing to miss out on! I would love to win so count me in, but only if you don't mind posting to London.
Lisa Busby
(little Scottish girly living in the big smoke)
Merry Christmas, Kathleen. Thank you for giving of your heart and talent this year. Kimberly of Woven ~N~ Spun
I would love to win this book. I could get a start on gifts for Christmas '08.
Sign me up puleeeez! This book looks so cool. I can see more stash busting in 2008. Thanks for sponsoring this contest. (PS Love the blog and your knitting and your writing.) Happy knitting.
Thank you for all of the beautiful patterns. Please consider me for this drawing.
The book would be a wonderful birthday present for this 3 day before Christmas birthday baby!
Thank you
I enjoy your knitting very much and your patterns.
Thank you for this offer. I would like to put my name in the drawing. Nancy in WY
Kathleen, you've made fridays so much fun I just can't wait to see the next exciting pattern you post each week! Thanks so much for all the sharing you do!
aka schnoodlelover on Ravelry
Jessica S in MA
oh yes please:) I do love your blog and enjoy seeing all the doll stuff, reminds me of collecting them as a little girl:)
ambermoggie, amber.moggieat virgin dot net
Oh what a neat gift!
I'm not much of a poster, but I love to read your blog. Thank-you for holding the contest...it's a wonderful holiday idea :)
Tia in Southern CA
What a generous contest! Love your blog. Can't tell you how many "one skeins" I have-- I've been looking at this book for a while. Have a wonderful holiday season.
Deb Tong
I would love to have this book. I think its the best thing since sliced bread. I love your blog and your Friday Freebies. Thanks for all you do. Sue Dial
What a delightful prize for a holiday season. Best to you.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's me! Thanks so much for pulling this together.
Ooo, ooo! Pick me! I promise to give it a good home...
(Loribird, website: From the Wool Room DOT com, email listed there.)
Ooo, ooo! Pick me! I promise to give it a good home...
(Loribird, website: From the Wool Room DOT com, email listed there.)
I would love to win a sigend copy of 101 designer one skein wonders. i will give it to my sister.
blessings, patricia ruple
Count me in please!
Great book, great contest, great site. Sign me up, please!
Niki in NC
woo, I love contests!
Abigail LaLonde
Don't have a blog, but read yours all the time. You have terrific patterns and it's so generous of you to give them away every Friday.
Happy Holidays!
How exciting! Love your blog. Please enter me in this drawing!
I'd love to win any of your books, especially today, it's my birthday!!!
Please add my name to the hat! I just discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago and am enjoying it. Cyndi in BC
Love your Friday Patterns ...... Hope I win!
Barbara diJeannene
I've been coveting this book.
Hi. I'm just learning stranded knitting, and I really look forward to your Freebie Fridays! I would love to win this book too.
Enjoy the Holidays!
Ravelry Name: Maxcat
kathleen I love to read your blog daily, and Thank you for the friday freebies... Please place my name in the drawing...
Cathy Hodge
aka KnitinCrazee
Thanks for the contest. What fun! Molly
Merry Christmas! I love your blog.
Christmas comes early.....hopefully.
That book looks great!
Thank you so much! Free patterns on Friday's and now free books?!
TwinKnitting (Ravelry)
Hi Kathleen,
Just wanted to make sure I got my name into this great holiday book giveaway also.
Thanks for making this offer available!
Happy Holidays Kathleen
sure would be nice to win this terrific book!
You are so generous with all you do - now a book giveaway? That is fabulous. Thanks for all you do.
Count me in for the draw, and thank you for doing this.
happy holidays.
mary anne
(misswoollyknits on ravelry)
As the owner of several single skeins, I'd love to be lucky enough to win this draw :)
Thanks for holding it!!
Thanks for the neat contest!
Thank you!
As I sit here hands aching trying to finish up on my 20th fringed blanket, Makes me Wish I had this book for Next Years Gifts.Very talented you are! Add my name to the drawing please.
How can I resist a contest? Sign me up. Thanks!
This looks like such a great book.
Thanks for the opportunity. How kind of you to hold this contest.
Who doesn't love a drawing!
aka oregonknitter
Anything with your patterns in it is golden!
I've loved your Selub mittens and they're next on my needles after Christmas.
A contest? Count me in!
This is one book that's on top of my wish list!
Cetta H.
(melliesmama on Ravelry)
Oh, I would love to win this one. What a great Christmas present!
Wendy Kruger
Hi Kathleen.
Thank you for having the contest.
That one's on my wish list. Enjoy your blog immensely. Thanks.
please enter me in you book give away contest.
Laureen Divis
czechknitter (on ravelry)
My email address didn't show on the last post. Looks like some weird blogger thing.
merry christmas!
heather shinabarger
Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!
what a neat book - some great looking projects on the cover!
Excellent book, enter me please. aka Ravelry Wickedpyssa
I'm enjoying your blog almost daily. I especially love the paper dolls--memories....
Ohh, last minute entry! :)
Please enter me, if it isn't too late - it's still Saturday in the Central time zone!
Penny Krout
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