Friday, July 10, 2009

The Field Report, and Spring Forward

I'm having the vapors here- we're leaving around 5:00am tomorrow, but having a family reunion picnic here this evening (the timing is maybe not ideal, but it was the only time my husband and his 3 surviving siblings could get together, so tonight it is. And here works better than us trying to go somewhere else and still get back and pack and clean and organize, and go crazy).

But I did take time this morning to snap a soybean picture. We have had rain and storms almost every day this week, and the beans are growing like weeds (so are the weeds). Unless someone e-mails me a pic of the field, I won't have a pic next week, or the Thursday afterward. The field should be pretty amazing by the time we get back (unless it gets hailed out, which is amazing too, but for a totally different reason).

I also took a pic of the spring wheat that was planted on the Turtle Creek oxbow penninsula behind our property. It's starting to turn, and will probably be harvested by the time we get back.

In the little free time I've had lately, I did finish one Spring Forward sock and got the other cast on. I don't know if I will take it with me because I can't knit lace and talk (or gaze out the car window) at the same time. As easy as this pattern is (and it don't hardly get any easier), I had to tear out a row on Tuesday because I got so wound up in Phil and Keith arguing over stacked pots on Deadliest Catch, that I forgot a YO rnd. I doubt I'll be able to keep up with it on vacation.

So, tomorrow night, if all goes well and the motel has wi-fi, I'll post from Belgrade, MT. And from Portland, OR on Sunday (the selfsame place I will fly back to, about a week after we get back home). See all y'all on the flip, and I'll check in as I can.

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