Sunday, September 2, 2007

Old Stuff

Since I'm working on the mate to the Fair Isle gloves, and likely won't finish today, here's a couple of projects from last Christmas.

For my granddaugter- an intarsia project using up bits and pieces of sock yarns (mostly Knit picks- some hand dyed from another project, most left overs from socks). It turned out really well, but way big for her. She'll probably wear it when she's twelve. I just played with the design- using a different *wave* on each piece, and changing colors whenever the yarn ran out on a bobbin. The inside back of the body was a mess while I was knitting it- I should have taken a picture of it, with a new yarn every 10 sts for about 200 sts.

I knitted this set from Knit Picks Elegance (I think- alpaca and silk) for my daughter in law. It's an original design but I don't think I took notes when I made it so I have no idea how many stitches in any of the pieces (I think I used size 5 needles though). I'll include the chart, in case anyone wants to adapt it to a different project. (Okay, and I've tried to edit this post 10 times, but I can't get rid of the weird formatting at the side- sorry for the oddness).


Unknown said...

The intarsia is excellent! I love that type of colour work. Well done.
Also like the hat and mittens.

N. Maria said...

Stunning, Stunning, Stunning! It can't be said enough about your intarsia knitting.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely hat and mitten set!