Friday, April 4, 2008

Knit Picks Podcast!

It's up!

The podcasts are on the left side of the page- just click on the top link (#43) for 40 minutes worth of my blather- it's sort of like an audio blog.

Kelly asked great questions, and I tried not to say anything too terribly stupid. I think it worked out pretty well.

Thanks Kelly for the great interview!


Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Coming from listening to the Knitpicks podcast - you made it an even better episode than usual. Great blog, too!

scarletti said...

It was GREAT listening. I snuggled down at home with the Smalls asleep and giggled along with you. Then i had to come and nosey over here too... it was the allure of wands and tiaras that clinched this wander!!